(spoilers, always)
Firstly, this movie was very entertaining, and also very hokey. It reminded me of Firefly in that way, but not nearly so funny or endearing.
Secondly, Daniel Craig rides like a Brit, not like a cowboy at all. Still, I want his body. I think I'll start wearing a vest everywhere.
Thirdly: Harrison Ford has not aged well.
Fourthly: Sam Rockwell is in a lot of sci/fi movies. And he generally plays the same role.
I don't want to write a great deal about the movie, it was pretty much as was to be expected. A decent plot and basic characters. I was disappointed in Paul Dano's character. The character (Percy) was very unlikable, but I like Dano and wished to see more of him. There was at least one scene that made me roll my eyes. A lot. It had to do with 13 (I will always call Olivia Wilde this) pulling a Jesus. Then there was the basic racism. I thought that is was not PC to make Native Americans look dumb and weak. Ultimately, it was the tough old white guy's plan that succeeded and not the weathered Apache warrior's. Ah well. The cute furry thing lives, but most of the horses don't.
Lastly: 007 and 13 both have stunning eyes.