I've just watched the documentary "This Film has not yet been Rated." It's available on Netflix. It was eye-opening in many ways. Of course I'd heard some of the information from a variety of sources, but seeing how everything was so connected was certainly a plus.
There were two main things that appalled/interested me most. One was the emphasis on sex as opposed to violence in giving harder rating and the other is gay (or "different") sex vs. straight sex.
The documentary highlighted several movies to show this point. Boys Don't Cry was originally given an NC-17 rating. The reason was not because of (SPOILERS) rape or a shot to the head. The reason was because of a long orgasm scene (a woman's orgasm, I might add) and the character wiping his face after going down on the woman. The theatrical version of the film was edited to fit an R rating, apparently taking those scenes out. However, the other violent ones are still certainly there.
This one film demonstrates both of my points, I think. That any non-missionary position sex is obscene, and that sex is far worse for youth than violence.
Europe's idea is opposite. They promote safe sex and restrict violence.
And we wonder why America is so intent on war and not love.